To Make Money Blogging, Don’t Start A Make Money Blog

The fastest way to fail at making money blogging is to start a make money blog. The make money online niche is one of the most competitive and saturated. Making money blogging isn’t as easy now with Google’s penalty on paid links. Many who have been minding their own business happy to have found a way on how to make fast money online for beginners doing paid reviews have quit since their newly downgraded PR0 blogs no longer offer SEO benefits for advertisers.

Why It Is So Hard To Make Money Blogging

People with make money blogs are internet savvy. They know all about pay per click, affiliate marketing and other ways to make money blogging. These people are blind to ads and can smell an affiliate link a mile away. You’d have a much better rate of success if your blog is in a market where the audience is still relatively unfamiliar with such ways of making money blogging.

Can I Still Make Money Blogging?

You can still start a blog but in other niches that are far less competitive than the make money blogging niche. Start off with assessing your own interests and topics on everyday living you can relate to. It could be home furnishings or health related. If you live in a small city, how about finding something that people in your city need and build a blog around that. Sure your audience base will be small but it will be laser targeted.

Make Money Blogging With Keyword Research

Newbies hate it because it is confusing and seems meaningless. But it is an absolutely essential process to find which topics people are interested in so you can build a blog around that topic. No point in starting a blog that no one is interested in.

Use free online keyword tools such as Google Adwords to find out which words are getting searched most and how much advertising there is for it. You will also get a sense of how competitive a keyword phrase for your topic is and perhaps select a phrase that is less competitive but still has an interested audience.

Make Money Success With Your Blog

The reason why so many bloggers give up soon after starting a blog to make money because they failed to make any money blogging is due to WRONG NICHE selection. At the most basic level, the factors that contribute to failure are:

1. The niche is too competitive.
2. The niche does not have enough interested people.
3. Poor keyword selection - too competitive or too little searches.

The make money blogging niche is one of the toughest to start a blog to make money but it is also the best niche to learn about making money online. This niche exposes you to the world of SEO, keywords, social bookmarking and blog monetization.

So don’t think you’ve wasted your time and effort in blogging to make money because you would’ve learned a ton in the process which will no doubt help you make the next blog more successful.
